Liudmila Gersten

Liudmila Gersten




How to choose the best?


It`s a machine used to dehydrate food and is used in the preparation of different foods. When we eat food that has been previously dehydrated, it hydrates in the mouth with saliva, activates all the enzymes and nutrients that contain those foods and enjoy delicious flavors.

In a healthy diet or raw vegan, the dehydrator is used a lot to keep the enzymes alive and to obtain a wide variety of delicious dishes that serve as substitutes for traditional and cooked food, but with great nutritional potential. Its great advantage is that the food is prepared at a very low temperature, since it has a regulating thermostat that starts at 35ºC (105ºF) and goes up to 64ºC (165ºF), however for the preparation of live food, (depending on what products) It is used at temperatures between 35º and 46ºC (105-115ºF), in order to maintain the living enzymes that help us maintain a healthy digestion without stressing the pancreas. Personally I never exceed 41ºC (110ºF) and I get all the dishes I want, they just take a little more time in preparation but I keep most of the vitamins, minerals and microelements without destroying them; for example, properly dehydrated vegetables and fruits, easily recover their shape by moistening them in cold water and at the same time preserving their flavor and properties. It is very important not to add salts or sugars at the time of hydrating food, especially in the first 10 minutes, since these prevent the penetration of water.


It`s a good alternative to replace your favorite dishes cooked and obtain a higher nutrition, without burning the vitamins or enzymes that we need so much in our diet, maintaining the delicious flavors of the meals. To vary the choice in a healthy diet, not only prepare dehydrated fruit and vegetables, we can also dehydrate other rich and healthy dishes, such as bread, rolls, hamburgers, sandwiches, pizzas, jellybeans, cookies, soups, sauces, ketchup, crepes, empanadas , crackers with different flavors, wraps, Mexican tortillas, compotes, etc. and all without destroying the enzymes necessary to keep our digestion healthy, preventing diseases such as tumors and accumulation of toxins in the body.

The dehydrator is an excellent option for people who are in transition to healthy eating but who like cooked food and do not want to abandon their favorite dishes; It is very useful for people who want to restore their health and get rid of diseases and ailments, some of which have not yet been detected by doctors or that are sometimes considered by them as normal stages due to age; This really is not true, although our body undergoes changes as time passes, most ailments are a consequence of poor diet and can be avoided.

It`s also a very good tool for those who enjoy gourmet food and prefer to feel full of energy after eating and not, tired and in need of a nap; finally, the dehydrator is perfect for all those who want to try something different, with a very high range of colors, flavors and nutrition and for those who want to add new recipes to their preparation book or share delicious dishes with friends and family, why not , can become an inheritance for the family.


In the market there are many dehydrators and different prices, how to choose one correctly?

There are several dehydrating machines to choose from. When I started making my dehydrated I did not know much about how to use it, at what temperature or what foods to prepare with it, the only thing I knew how to do was to dehydrate vegetables and fruits, however, I later discovered how to make dehydrated fine bread, which It became my main recipe; and with the passage of time more and more delicious preparations with dehydrated foods. At that time he lived in Ireland and was the first dehydrator he acquired; I bought one of the cheapest ones that did not have a timer to check how my preparations were going and at what level of dehydration, and therefore, I had to set an alarm that reminded me to check the preparation every so often; even so it was expensive, its price was about $ 70 euros.

If you do not know how to use it and in what way, to start exploring you can buy an inexpensive one, nowadays there are some from $ 40 euros for beginners, maybe later, as you discover new recipes you want a bigger and better quality and way, that’s what happened to me since after a year I began to feel that I needed a better quality machine to prepare better recipes and variations of them, since of so much use, the trays of my first dehydrator were quickly deformed and barely lasted a year, although I extended their life time to the maximum possible to last until I moved to the United States, so as my dehydrator had 5 trays, I alternated them for a longer duration, until finally I was with only 3 of them, the other trays were completely deformed. The remaining trays were completely deformed and I had to throw them away. But even though I had only three trays, I did not lose hope and I continued baking my bread. When I left the country, my old dehydrator was still working; I left it to my best friend Olga, as she was also curious of experimenting with it. What I cannot assure you is if she continues to use it or has already decided to buy higher quality one or if it is forgotten on one of her kitchen shelves.

Who would have imagined that this gadget, with the passage of time, would become one of the main articles of use in my kitchen and that would give me such a variety of rich, healthy and different preparations, to the point that it did not reach Try all the recipes we had in our diet. The variety in the food that we consumed increased by at least 500% and many preparations became family recipes, by sharing them, now they are enjoyed in many places that are delicious, unique and irresistible and to all that I have offered they have loved .



There are different models from $ 60 to $ 900 Euros. They are of very good quality and have many different models. The $ 60 euros have 5 trays and are for beginners who want to experiment and rehearse the product to know if they actually use it in the long term or from time to time, or have a low budget and want to start changing their lifestyle eating healthy.

The best dehydrators cost between $ 250 euros with 5 trays and $ 320 euros with 9 trays, they have automatic clock, regulating thermostat and fan incorporated in the back of the machine, to achieve a uniform dehydration. My fan was installed in the bottom part so I had to change the trays constantly, so that everything dried “baked” evenly, and when the fan is installed in the back, that is, on the side, the air distribute evenly and there is no need to change anything.These are 3 important functions that should be taken into account when choosing your dehydrator; all dehydrators have the same operation, however the most expensive have more convenient and comfortable features for use as stainless steel trays.

The stainless steel trays (can be purchased separately and serve any model, are good and very resistant when washing, because they can be put in the dishwasher, while plastic trays can only be washed manually, however, the latter are much easier to wash by hand. The stainless steel ones are also more resistant for the heavy foods that we are going to dehydrate, for example when I prepare some rolls that weigh a lot, I have to distribute a few in several plastic trays, because of the heat and the weight the trays they break, consequently, I have to prepare fewer rolls or do double work to be able to make a larger quantity. With the stainless steel trays I can prepare many more rolls at the same time, because I can put more in each tray. Another advantage of stainless steel is that it is heated with air and makes dehydration faster and more uniform. They are especially good for preparations with sprouts, since they have to dehydrate faster to avoid creating bacteria that we do not want to ingest.

Other machines of greater price, can have a glass door that opens and closes and that allows to observe how the food is prepared, while the most economical ones have a lid that is detached to be able to review the preparations.

These are the main characteristics of this company. I leave the link to your web page, so they can observe your products:



This Korean company produces dehydrators of very high quality. Their prices vary between $ 379 – $ 560 euros and, they are divided into three groups: Express, Classic and Combo.

The Express machines are the thinnest and very useful for small spaces. They have more trays, that is, they are 15% higher and have more volume compared to others, they also have a door and a fan.

The classic ones are the most economical and similar to Excalibur

Combo machines, the best of all, have two fans, but you can connect only one in case you are only going to use half the machine. They have a tray to collect the crumbs, which can be put in the middle of the machine to use only a part of the machine, which prevents the machine from getting dirty in the part that we are not using; they save energy, they are less noisy, they do not exceed the set temperature and they have an electronic screen that can be programmed up to 150 hours.

As in Excalibur, these dehydrators have trays of both plastic and stainless steel but the characteristics of this company are broader. This is your website


According to my own experience, if you are not sure which machine to buy and what to prepare or if you are going to actually use it, you should start with a cheaper dehydrator and experiment with it. Give it a good use and discover the recipes you can prepare, if you reach a level where you use it for almost all your meals, you will have taken advantage of it so much that you will not feel sad about throwing it away or giving it away to a friend or family member who was interested in trying it If it still works and you have enough space, save it for emergencies when you need more preparations.

After trying it and experimenting with many recipes, you will know if you want to get a new one and with what characteristics, 5 trays because you do not prepare much or 9-10 trays because you use it often to prepare enough to allow you to have saved reserves, and you like the comfort and quality. I came to the conclusion that I wanted to have one with a glass door, so as not to constantly open the lid (sometimes not knowing where to put it) to see how my preparation progresses, another conclusion I reached is the importance of having trays metallic, because they help me to dehydrate the food better and a little faster, without risking that the plastic of the tray expels some toxic when heated that degrades the food; and two fans to save energy when I want to use only part of the dehydrator. According to these characteristics, my choice of dehydrator would be a SEDONA COMBO, I still do not have it, but I hope to have it soon!

I hope that this information that I gave you, will help you to make the best choice within all the variety of dehydrating machines offered by the market, so that you give it a good use and enjoy the benefits of preparing dehydrated food and how delicious it is, just like I do.

Congratulations for deciding to take such an important step towards the preservation of your health and long life! Your body will thank you, it will give you more energy, strength, relief of ailments, diseases, rejuvenation, a beautiful, soft and elastic skin, and all this without any surgical intervention, but only due to an adequate and healthy cellular nutrition. It is probable that in a few months, when you go back to your doctor or to do you blood analysis, he will exclaim and say: “Oh, you don’t need to take the medications I had prescribed any more, did you know that?” These are the words my mother’s doctor pronounced to her, after 2 years of having changed her diet and lifestyle completely and returned to the doctor for her next exam. And she took many pills, that it’d be hard to say how many! I wish you the same happens to you! Love yourself, be your own doctor and you will not need other!

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