Liudmila Gersten

Liudmila Gersten




Cancer – mutated cells that grow and multiply, dispersing uncontrollably to all parts of the body.

What do oncologists say causes cancer?

When my daughter was diagnosed with a cerebral tumor, my first question was evidently, ‘why?’ Sort of an automatic first reaction to something I did not understand very well. “Why and how? Why my daughter?” Followed by: “How can it be? No, it cannot be!” My reaction was of surprise and I felt very disoriented.

It is very hard hearing such tragic news about your kids while they are young and under your care. In my case, my daughter was only six years old. She was barely starting to explore the World. I would ask myself, “how can it be? What does it mean?” as I was trying to catch my breath and come back to consciousness. Right after, I would hear the oncologists tell me about the cause of cancer in my daughter.

“We do not know, ma’am.” I would hear them say in a way as to calm me down, given they have dealt with similar situations.

The truth is that, nobody really understands what exactly is cancer. We do know, however, that it ‘may be’ stopped from growing or mutating further with the use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as well as surgery. The only shot you get at improving is any of these options.

“We do not know, ma’am.” I would hear echoes in my head with this sentence. The evident uncertainty that even oncologists had would frighten me. Educated individuals would not know the cause of something like that happening to my daughter. It was rough that year, in 2008.

The story of cancer Why does cancer happen and how does it work?

Doctors claim to not know the underlying cause of this disease. When in reality, there are countless studies made that shine a light on the process of cancer. Unfortunately, known causes of cancer are not part of any doctorate curriculum. Meaning you do not need to know the cause of the disease to be able to identify it and treat it. I get it. Doctors are wonderful people that help others get better.

Despite the fact that the pharmaceutical industry has a big say in a doctor’s curriculum, the renown Nobel Prize winnerDr. Otto Warburg, made great discoveries with his work in 1931 showing the fundamental cause of cancer. In summary, Dr. Warburger explains how our bodies undergo through over ten trillion chemical reactions per second, and all of these reactions are associated with oxygen. Without oxygen life becomes death and ceases to exist.

Dr. Warburg’s experiment consists in taking healthy reproductive cells and placing them in a petri dish. Warburg would then add a solution with optimal nutrients and modify its amounts to show the impact oxygen has on our cells. After a 35% reduction in oxygen and only 48 hours later, the weaker cells would perish and the stronger ones would mutate. This mutation is the transformation that cancerous cells go through.

Dr. Warburgs notes, “the anaerobic process (i.e. lack of oxygen) is the underlying cause of the development of cancer. The tissues in our muscles when deprived from oxygen turn acidic. The longer they stay in this acidic environment, the higher the chance cancerous cells have to start their development.” According to Dr. Warburg, “cancer is the consequence of anti-physiological nutrition and lifestyles. An example of such behavior is the consumption of acidic food and sedentarism. An acidic environment causes the expulsion of oxygen from the cells.”

Dr. Warburg proved that cancerous cells cannot survive with the presence of oxygen. Cancerous cells love glucose which digests sugars. They loves sweets. A cancerous cell consumes 20 times more sugar than a healthy cell. These cells come first in obtaining this nutrient called glucose, without leaving any of it for the healthy cells.

Ultimately, from Warburg’s research it is evident that some cells in our bodies have a defense mechanism that allows them to live in an acidic environment deprived from oxygen. These cancerous cells also want to live, and this is how they fight for their lives. At our expense.

Healthy cells live in an alkalized and oxygenated environment allowing them to function properly.

Nutrients we consume have different alkalinity levels. Foods high in alkalinity are raw fruits and vegetables, as well as sprouts. Foods low in alkalinity are acidic and these include: meat, dairy, and flour. The list of acidic foods continues with: refined salt, soda drinks, margarine, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, coffee, and even medication! Even fruits and vegetables become more acidic when we cook them. Needless to say, foods with conservants, colorants, aromatizers, stabilizers, etc. are acidic too.

Acidic foods are in essence, the majority of foods we eat on the daily. It brings the thought of, whether we feed the healthy or the cancerous cells more often.

All in all, the truth is that cancerous cells have a very important function in our body.

The mechanism of cancer: Cancerous cells save our lives in a way, they detox our system from the contaminants around us. Certain toxicity we have control over and other we do not. Multiple toxic particles are around us in the air from factory fumes, automotive pollution, and electricity production. Healthy cells in our body mutate to fight these toxins. They become cancerous cells.

Each cancerous cell contains an exaggerated amount of impartially metabolized cellular protein. This protein interferes with the absorption and transportation of oxygen within the cell creating an anaerobic environment, which in turn can kill the cell by asphyxiation.

Cancerous cells attempt to cleanse our circulatory system to allow for life to happen. Given that life needs oxygen, they allow for healthy cells to continue their cycle. Cancerous cells’ function is to clean their environment to facilitate oxygenation.

A major breakthrough in relation to cellular protein was reached from a study made at the University of Wisconsin. Cancerous cells absorb protein 20 times faster than a healthy cell. Healthy cells thoroughly process multiple amino acids and make it into a protein molecule.

However, it is harder on the healthy cell to digest an already formed protein, such as animal protein. The cell would first have to break down the protein molecule and restructure it into a different protein molecule that the body actually needs. In contrast, a cancerous cell has no problem accommodating an already formed molecule such as animal protein. They are pleased to use this protein as fuel for their own growth, and they do it very easily. A satiated cancerous cell grows larger and multiplies rapidly. All in all, the cancerous cell is fed with protein healthy cells have a harder time at synthesizing. It benefits the healthy cells in the sense that it helps liberating the path for oxygenation within it. With this process, life is prolonged. It is our body’s inherent self-preservation instinct.

It is believed that protein is necessary in our diet and without it there is not proper nutrition for our muscles. It is believed that protein is predominantly found in meat, dairy, and eggs, and that is what needs to be eaten. However, the reality is that we have a large confusion in regards to protein.

What is protein?

Protein, simply put, is a chain of 20 amino acids.

Oftentimes, a question arises, “what protein molecule does my body need?” In reality, what our body really needs are amino acids that will build the protein molecule needed themselves.

Of the 20 needed to make one protein molecule, our body can independently produce 20 of these on its own. These are called non-essential amino acids. What our bodies need are the remaining 9 from the foods we eat (it is sometimes argued there are actually 10 for kids). The latter are called essential amino acids.

Why are they essential?

Because our body cannot readily produce them on its own. This is the reason why they can only be supplied to the body through our diet. When we consume these 9 essential amino acids, our body knows how to fuse them with the other 20 non-essential amino acids. This is the easiest way our body produces protein for the growth of our muscles and tissues.

In the other hand, consuming a coagulated protein from animals or other cooked foods is harder to digest, requiring the digestive system to put in a lot of work.

Only the cancerous cell will readily process this complex and coagulated protein without much effort. However, cancerous cells do not recognize free moving amino acids and do not interfere with them. Only healthy cells in our body will recognize this source of protein, when it is present.

Where are these essential amino acids found?

All greens (leafy vegetables) contain amino acids we need. Some have 2 or 3, others have 5. There are some however that will contain all or close to all amino acids you will need, that is 8, or 9. Some foods high in amino acids are: spinach, broccoli, dill, cilantro, kale, dandelion, almonds, walnuts, seeds, sprouts, microgreens, etc. It is a good idea to mix various of these together in salads, juices, and smoothies, on the daily basis. In the case of seeds, nuts, and derivades it is better to consume after activating, sprouting, or fermenting, and consuming in the form of a yogurtsmoothie, soup, or dressing.

Why activating, sprouting, or fermenting seeds?  

In this way seeds, nuts, and derivades, become pre-digested by bacteria that allows for easy and light absorption; giving zero nutrition to cancerous cells, and leading to their imminent death by starvation. Cancerous cells will not recognize activated, sprouted, or fermented foods as nutrients and will not consume them to grow. All the proper nutrition goes straight to the healthy cells without saturating any other system in our organism. In the contrary, it aids in detoxing and eliminating accumulated metabolic waste. That easy!

With such a mechanism, cancerous cells cleanse our bodies. Without it, our bodies would soon perish by asphyxiation given the lack of oxygen going to our healthy cells. Consequently, cancerous cells at least save us temporarily and prolong our lives. Every time we put our body through inadequate nutrition, full of complex protein such as from animal meat or cooked food, we feed the cancerous cell that will not stop growing alone. They are not deprived from nutrition, and at the same time our healthy cells are not deprived from oxygenation. Both cells are happy because they are fed, and can continue doing their job accordingly.

And the longer we do this, the less chance we have of avoiding this severe disease, everything has its limit. But if you are happy eating unhealthy food, the cancer cells are also happy because they have their food and the healthy cells are happy too, why? Because they got the oxygen and they can continue doing their work even for the short term until the disease arrives. So they work symbiotically.

Million $ Question: Who wins?

Cancerous cells vs. Healthy cells. Who receives more food and nutrition? Will there be a winner? The truth is that the winner will be whoever we decide it to be. It isn’t up to a doctor. What we put in our mouths and others’ matters. The discoveries made thus far are clear and consistent in this regard, our path is aligned with the decisions we make. Only we are responsible of our own health.

Dr. Albert Lorincz made an astonishing discovery at the University of Chicago. In his experiment he starved cancerous cells, depriving them from their favorite food: readily-made protein. Cancerous cells need from 1.3 to 11 times more nutrient than that of a healthy cell.

Finally, doctors Lepage and Midler confirmed the ‘aspirator’ hypothesis, involving a nitrogen trap set on cancerous cells. In his study he showed the nutrition routine of a tumor. The experiment demonstrates the over-nutrition and excess ingestion of protein and fats that have a direct link to cancer and tumorous cells.

In essence, cancer is a strategy plan to prolong life. If the body wasn’t convinced it needed to undergo through so mechanism, we would die without it.



Cancerous cells are similar to white cells (which clean our bodies from viruses, and bacterial infections). Cancerous cells do the same. They both detox our body and are part of our autoimmune system. They have a very important role in our organisms.

Dr. Michael Williams, an immunologist and professor in medicine at Northwestern University, affirms we have tens of thousands cancerous cells floating inside our body at any time.

Cancerous cells eliminate protein that is not fully metabolized. Consequently, the quantity of cancerous cells inside us is directly linked to the level of oxygen deprivation caused by residual protein (not fully metabolized protein – not fully digested). Similar as to what happens in a condition of anemia. As a result, less oxygen means more cancerous cells.

The purpose of white cells is to identify and remove metabolic waste from our body such as bacteria, microbiome, pathogens, virus, toxins from the circulatory system. The count of white cells increases over 300% after each meal poor in life enzymes (such meal is not raw, usually cooked, boiled, fried…) also referred to as enzymeless food. White cells are created to bring enzymatic reserves from the metabolic storage, so that cooked foods can be digested with this reserve. Without enzymes of some type, food cannot be digested. For instance, raw food or uncooked food (such as fruits and vegetables, and sprouts) do not need to use up any enzymes from this reserve because it already has its own. In the other hand, cooked food does require to use up enzymes from this reserve. The problem is that the more enzymes we use from this reserve then there are consequences such as early aging, early symptoms of disease, and early death. All because of the simple fact that this reserve is limited.

As the levels of enzymes in our body diminish, whether it be because of old age or deficient lifestyles, the levels of white cells created to aid in the harvest of enzymes continue augmenting.

Normally, in healthy persons, after a couple of hours of ingesting cooked food, white cells count stabilizes. However, the enzymes used to digest cooked food do not recover and its usage accelerates aging and closeness to developing a disease.

Nevertheless, if the individual continues to be sedentary throughout the day and is exposed to environmental contaminants, the body continues to be in an inflamed state and the white cell count increases. Not only with cooked food, though. Evidently, this augmented count of white cells interferes with the transportation of nutrients and elimination of residual products, as well as detoxification, which can develop a disease and become chronic leukemia.

The exaggerated amount of white cells creates a disease called leukemia. This amount of white cells is enough to create new forms of cancer. Year after year, the number of cancerous cell sacks increases due to excess protein, and eventually it interferes with the normal biological process. Organs are deformed and moved by these tumours, interfering with their function, circulation, and secretion, creating a condition like colon cancer, and other varieties of chronic cancer.

Initially, white cells and cancerous cells, have an important function in removing stress from toxins in the bloodstream and extending life over immediate self-destruction caused by these toxins. Cancerous cells, just like white cells are made to support the process of life. It all comes down to a number. Any imbalance is harmful, ultimately towards the biological process of life.

The body will always lend necessary enzymes from different organs to support the digestive system, if one does not eat raw food (uncooked food), or enzymatic supplements. This evidence makes it clear that white cells that travel around the body are a response to our digestive routines. This medical phenomenon is called ‘leukocytosis’ discovered by Dr. Paul Kouchakoff. Dr. Kouchakoff explained the increase of white cells count going upwards to 300%, and even as high as 500%, after eating cooked food, and how this does not happen with raw and enzymatically active food. Now we know that white cells in our bloodstream combat inflammatory conditions.


Dr. Gerson’s investigation in his book “A Cancer Therapy,” applies an alkaline diet, enzymatic nutrition like with carrot juices and green juices that lead to fast cancer recovery.

When we are deficient in enzymes due to ingesting foods that lack of it, the body needs to use up from the metabolic reserve. If food is not properly digested, protein begins to spoil creating over 35 organic acids of slow action. We know that these protein that has not been fully metabolized go straight to the large intestine going through its walls resulting in a tremendous interference with the transport of oxygen. Similarly, grease also goes through these barriers resulting in the coagulation of blood cells.

Dr. Ottokar Rokitanski says, enzymes dissolve the fibrin layer of cancerous cells, allowing for defense systems to improve, and enzymes can diminish the viscosity of the cancerous cell preventing the formation of metastasis.

Dr. A. E. Leskovar informs that the supplementation of enzymes aids in increasing macrophage by 700%, and natural assassin cells increases by 1300% in a very short time!

Dr. Michael Williams affirms, when “there is an adequate level of enzymes,” cells in the immune system called macrophage destroy abnormal cells, maintaining its count under control.

Whether it be with or without medical intervention, it seems clear that enzymes set in motion the function of the immune system creating a radical natural remedy against cancer.

There are countless other factors not mentioned that aid in the interruption of the development of cancerous and tumorous cells beyond our dinner plate. These include orbiting around a clean environment, zero stress, staying away from radiative apparatuses such as cellphones, and electronic devices; as well, as breathing thoroughly (best outdoors where there is clean air), exposure to the sun, hydrogenated water, cleansing of the organs and various organism systems, detoxes, fasting, powerful plants and natural remedies, etc.

I thank the life and the Universe, that intercepted me just on time to help my daughter get better, giving us another chance at life and opening our eyes to natural alternatives. Distinct to the mechanics of traditional treatments such as burn (radiotherapy), poison (chemotherapy), slaughter (surgery), given that only these harmed my daughter so much, but also because they posed a DEATH SENTENCE!!!

And here we are, dear all, thank you for reading. I wanted to forward to you, that there always is a way. There are alternatives to the solution of a problem. And most importantly there are always doors to open and exits to take – various of them.

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