Liudmila Gersten

Liudmila Gersten



What is lipase?

Lipase is an enzyme that is responsible for burning body fat and the fat we consume. Without it, this process will not be possible in our body.
The main function of this gastric lipase is to help the absorption of fats, and is produced mainly by the pancreas, helping to assimilate vitamins A, D, E, K, polyunsaturated fat, participates in energy exchange. The fat is converted to fatty acids, monoglycerides, diglycerides, glycerol which are then easier to absorb. Lipase helps to break down fat to the smaller components that help to be easily absorbed by the intestine. Without these enzymes we will have the discomforts like indigestion, heartburn, swelling, gas. It’s like bank account or you have a lot and spend little or almost no money, or you have little and you spend fast until what you do not have, seemed.


One of the causes is age, with age their concentration decreases, to be spent throughout their lives. Sometimes it is spent before time or before reaching old age, that is, at an early age. Since it has its production limit. Or we spend before time or later time which in turn prolongs our life. With the correct feeding, we lengthen our life keeping these enzymes with more life or we cut with the bad feeding. But today their level dropped drastically in young people and children, since children are already born with the enzyme deficiency as people with celiac disease and others or have spent before the time, consuming a lot of cooked food, junk food and for lack of enzymes in your diet or fresh and organic raw food.

When there are not enough enzymes, the body can not break down certain types of fats and these fats accumulate in the cells and tissues of the body, developing different diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, discomfort such as bloating, abdominal discomfort, gas, overweight or obesity.

In many people nowadays, the pancreas have to work three or more times to be able to digest all the cooked food, processed, by the vivid consequence and function of these enzymes it diminishes and finishes before the time at a young age or is worn out. It is where we started getting old before time, developing the diseases of older people at young age. This confirms that you need help with enzymatic lipase supplements.

Studies conducted at the Tufts University School of Medicine, by Dr. Davis Galton, to examine people weighing 105-110 kg (230-240 pounds), found a deficiency of enzyme lipase (and the lipase is necessary to digest fats).


Most people can not burn fat because of sugars (carbohydrates) that we are consuming 2 to 4 hours throughout the day. Every time we eat something that contains sugars or that contains carbohydrates, we have an insulin surge. When the insulin rises, in order to lower the blood glucose does not stop inhibiting the lipase. The consumption of cooked foods, one of the main factors of not producing enough enzyme since it is destroyed by heat and when there is not enough lipase the body can not break down certain types of fats and these fats accumulate in the cells and the tissues of the body.

The saliva of adults does not have this enzyme, so it has to start its digestion in the stomach.

The food we consume is successfully absorbed only if first digested with digestive enzymes such as lipase (for fat), amylase (for hydrates – sugars), protease (for protein).


Lipase is found in large amounts in raw food of vegetable origin such as avocados, seeds and activated nuts, or soaked in water for 24 hours previously. That is, consuming these products, such as good fat, we will help our body to eliminate bad fat. Best event that nature did. And even better is impossible! Other sources especially for people who consume cooked food or already have digestive problems or diseases or discomforts, and who does not want to follow the healthy diet or can not at this time but is thinking how to start it, there is good solution to obtain high-quality products and pure quality like PuraZyme, Lipasa

with a formula 100% based on plants, 100% natural, through a natural process, not synthesized, without chemical fillings or toxic compounds that besides helping to split the fat is of great help in the absorption and biosynthesis of vitamins A, D, E and K.


What is amylase?

Amylase is an enzyme that helps digest carbohydrates and all the sugars we consume. It is also called ptialin or tialin. This enzyme is produced in pancreas and salivary glands mainly in saliva. Its digestion begins to unfold the starches until oligosaccharides. Little amount of amylase is found in the ovaries, bronchi, intestine. It is thanks to it that we have a taste of sweetness when we chew food that has starches, such as potato, rice, banana. When chewing a long time begins to appear the taste of sweetness by the content of starches that enters the reaction with saliva. That’s why the digestion process starts in the mouth. This enzyme has also been found in oats, fungi, bacteria such as Bacillus).

When the pancreas becomes inflamed, the levels of amylase and lipase are increased.
The highest consumption in our diet are carbohydrates, for which we lack enough of the enzyme amylase.

The amount of amylase (needed to digest carbohydrates, sugars), A person who has diabetes is about 50% less than normal for these enzymes. Dr. Bassler reported a duodenal amylase deficiency in more than 86% of diabetes cases he studied.


Amylase we lack for bad habits or age. People with amylase deficiency show signs such as skin rashes, allergies, gas, constipation, changes in mood, digestive disorder. Without adequate amylase activity, inflammations increase, the main cause of so many degenerative diseases, since it helps eliminate dead white cells from the blood in response to inflammation and inflammation can be excessive without adequate amylase activity. Its adequate level lowers levels of different diseases including type II diabetes, imbalances of sugars, blood, hypoglycemia, cravings for sugars and carbohydrates and many forms of food sensitivity.


A gene called AMY1 encodes the amylase and repeats the code one to twenty times depending on the individual. Without this gene, we can not convert starches to sugars, which is what this gene does. The decrease in the number of copies of the gene that encodes amylase (which we already know helps digest complex sugars) promotes obesity.

In the laboratory of Genomics and Metabolic Diseases (CNRS / Université Lille 2 / InstitutPaasteur de Lille) led by the professor Hiphippeleouel and his team show us the following:

Human beings have one to twenty copies of the AMY1 gene. Decrease of only one copy of this gene, increases by 20% the risk of obesity, or a 10 times higher risk of being obese. The work published in the magazine “Nature Genetics”, shows for the first time the genetic link between the digestion of complex carbohydrates and obesity. People with less than four copies of AMY1 have about 8% more risk of obesity than people with more than nine copies. That is if you have less than 4 of these you should eat less than carbohydrates, because you tolerate them worse.

As I mentioned before they are produced in two ways: by pancreas and by the salivary glands and only to salivary form is associated with obesity. It is considered that it is due to the lack of chewing of the food that makes its partial digestion already in the mouth that reduces the deficiency of AMY1-amylase and another cause is the bad digestion of the starches that alter the intestinal flora that indirectly influences obesity or diabetes.


Best sources of amylase are all fresh and organic fruits and vegetables in their natural state and not subjected to high temperature cooking processes. Also activated grains and some live ferments made of fruit and vegetables.

Other sources of amylase especially for people who consume cooked food or already have digestive problems or diseases or discomforts, and who do not want to follow the healthy diet or can not at this time but are thinking how to start, there is a good solution, supplementing with pure amylase and high quality amylase like that of PuraDyme

Formulated 100% based on plants, 100% natural, not synthesized, without chemical fillings or toxic compounds that in addition to helping to split the fat and help in the absorption and biosynthesis of vitamins A, D, E and K. 

Formulated 100% based on plants, 100% natural, not synthesized, without chemical fillings or toxic compounds that besides helping to split the fat help in the absorption and biosynthesis of vitamins A, D, E and K. These enzymes are four times more potent than a digestive enzyme. The purpose of this mixture of enzymes PuraDyme go after carbohydrates (sugars), fats and proteins not digested and accumulated in the body in the form of mucus, accumulated plaques, inflammations, tumors and etc. Enzymes are like a cat, chasing mice that are like undigested food. And they do not stop until they are done with them and once they reach their goal it helps us to heal, cleanse, rejuvenate and have more energy.


What is protease?

They are enzymes that break the peptide bonds of proteins. It helps to digest proteins by breaking down these proteins into amino acids and peptides, that is, into smaller molecules using a water molecule.

The proteases act by breaking the specific peptide bonds of the proteins to release the amino acids. They can break all proteins unless it is part of a living cell. There are different types, such as, for example, fungal proteases, pepsin and papain. Which perform different functions.

Some proteases used in antiretroviral therapy, including HIV, depend on proteases in their reproductive cycles, which is why protease inhibitors are developed as antiviral methods. The protease is an enzyme that HIV needs to complete its self-copy process (replicating it), giving rise to new viruses capable of infecting other cells.

Peptides are present in all organisms and constitute 1-5% of the genome content. These enzymes are involved in a large number of physiological reactions from the simple digestion of food proteins to highly regulated cascades (such as blood coagulation, the complement system, pathways of apoptosis and the cascade that activates the invertebrate prophenoloxidase)

That is, the protease enzyme we need not only to unfold proteins to simple amino acids but this enzyme fights infectious diseases, including cancer.

Protease deficiency

The body uses acid in digestion. The lack of protease can cause an alkaline accumulation in the bloodstream, giving symptoms such as anxiety. Protease is also used in the body to digest organisms such as bacteria and fungi, bacteria and viruses. Lack of protease can also lead to calcium deficiency and hypoglycemia. Proteins are necessary to carry calcium into the bloodstream, because of a lack of calcium diseases such as osteoporosis or arthritis develop. The protein also becomes glucose, if it is not converted correctly. For people who are deficient in proteases, PuraDyme enzyme therapy is available to help maintain healthy levels.


Protease enzymes break down or change the composition of proteins or peptides. In addition to being important for the process of digestion and metabolism, some protease enzymes improve inflammation and strengthen the immune system. As I said before that some protease enzymes can be taken in the form of supplements and can be added to certain foods, it is found naturally in certain fruits.

 * Papaya: This exotic fruit was once called the “fruit of the angels”, by Christopher Columbus. It has a very potent source of the protease papain enzyme. This enzyme has an anti-inflammatory mechanism and may also play a role in the healing of burns.

 * Pineapple: Pineapple is an excellent source of bromelain compound that contains protease that aids in digestion, as well as in the reduction of blood coagulation and inflammation, reduces the growth of certain types of tumors. It is extracted frequently from the core or stem of the pineapple for use in supplements.

 * Kiwi: The kiwi contains actinidin, a proteolytic enzyme with activity similar to papain papain.


It is a chemical that helps to unfold proteins and that is found in pineapple. The highest concentration of this substance is found in its stem and only in fresh fruit. The pineapple that is subjected to temperature cooking more than 37ºC already destroyed this enzyme bromelain and it will not help us to unfold the proteins, but to change we have to force our organ like pancreas to work with double, triple speed to be able to cover the need for this enzyme. That is why it is better to consume this fruit in its natural state. This enzyme protease bromelinase used to treat autoimmune intestinal diseases such as colitis, lupus and Crohn, thanks to its adjuvant effect. It is a digestive complex that breaks down proteins and decreases the allergenic capacity of food in the intestine, although for these purposes it must also be combined with a proper diet.

 It is ideal for people with circulation problems or varicose veins. Its anticoagulant action helps to reduce the risk of clots in the blood vessels or thrombosis.

 It also removes inflammatory prostaglandins from the body, as do some medications, but in this case without the side effects.

 In natural medicine they use bromelain supplements to alleviate postoperative pain, in addition to including turmeric in all their meals, another natural anti-inflammatory.



It is one of the tropical fruits. There are about 1400 species of plants. Some of them produce proteolytic enzymes (which help to unfold the proteins) and are located mainly in tropical America.


Pineapple is rich in carbohydrates, which are slow absorption that gives us energy for longer. It contains minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and sodium, as well as vitamins A, C and folic acid, it is also an excellent source of antioxidants that fight free radicals and delay aging.

 But the most remarkable and spectacular of this fruit is bromelain or bromelain, enzyme so powerful that it is capable of digesting approximately one thousand times its weight in proteins, and from which we can obtain 87 milligrams in 10 grams of fruit.

 With this miraculous substance that has this fruit helps us to unfold proteins to amino acids, for its large amount of protease food enzymes that in this fruit are bromelain. This substance is suitable for circulation since it dissolves clots such as thrombosis, heart attacks, strokes, at the same time lowering high blood pressure or hypertension. It helps heavy digestion like intestinal gas, heaviness of the stomach, acidity of the stomach, purifies the digestive tract and helps to eliminate the bacteria that cause intestinal putrefaction, which are responsible for the appearance of pains in the intestines or diarrhea. Bromelain not only digests proteins, it has been proven to be able to digest fats. The anti-inflammatory power of bromelain is to reduce pain as in arthritis.

 It also has diuretic action, contains important amount of fiber, recommended for constipation. Its juice has antiseptic power. Eating pineapple about 30 min before meals, stimulates gastric secretion, so it prevents indigestion. Defuses hemorrhoids. It helps to lose weight since it is considered a negative calorie food. This is because the body spends more calories to metabolize it than the calories it contributes. It helps lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides, due to high fiber and antioxidant content.


It is a tropical fruit native to Central America. Fruit soft and very juicy, formed by 71 species of trees without branches with large fruits and has many medicinal properties.


Papaya is a fruit that has only 39 calories per 100 grams. A serving of papaya provides less calories than an apple and twice as much beta carotene. It is rich in potassium and low in sodium that prevents fluid retention. It fights constipation since it acts as a mild laxative. It speeds up external and internal scarring, facilitates tanning by containing a large amount of Retinin, facilitates the action of Melanin. Because of its high vitamin C content, it strengthens immunity. Papaya has an exclusive enzyme that facilitates digestion, calms stomach pain called Papain enzymeprotease enzyme group. Papain is an enzyme similar to human pepsin that unfolds proteins and aids digestion.

 It contains analgesic properties and calms pain. Its antiseptic effect on the intestines helps with gastroenteritis, colitis and irritable bowel. Its juice removes skin spots and improves eczema. Very low in calories and rich in nutrients. High in vitamins A, B, C antioxidants and minerals such as potassium that promotes healthy muscles. High in fiber that helps intestinal transit, regulates cholesterol levels and sugars. It is a good laxative. Vitamin B helps the nervous system and lycopene prevents oxidation of cholesterol. From its interior it is possible to extract quimopapain, which is papaya latex, useful for the treatment of herniated discs.


Although normally they are discarded, they are edible and crushed, they can be used in dressing salads, they have a very spicy flavor like mustard. They protect the digestive system and help to purify the liver by filtering toxins and toxic substances, especially in case of liver cirrhosis. Its high content of antiparasitic enzymes favor intestinal health. A substance called carpain, has the ability to eliminate intestinal parasites, absorb excess fat and sugars. You fight Salmonella or Staphylococcus.


Papain is a proteolytic enzyme, which is extracted from papaya and which is capable of digesting food proteins and neutralizing gastric acids, favoring digestion and preventing the formation of gases. In the same way that pepsin is found in gastric juice, or trypsin present in pancreatic juice. The properties of this enzyme cause the breaking of multiple bonds in proteins, hydrolyses plant proteins.

Stimulates pancreatic juices, promotes digestion, has a slimming effect by burning fats, is a natural detoxifier.Highly recommended in cases of gastroenteritis, colitis, ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome, papain neutralizes excess gastric juices. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which is very useful in treatments of eczema, psoriasis, bronchitis, bruising, edema of lesson. Papain is able to expel intestinal parasites including Tenia.

Chymopapain It is a proteolytic enzyme, which comes from latex from a Carric papaya tree. It is similar to papain and share 126 identical amino acids. It is able to eliminate the herniated disc without surgery, which is injected a derivative of papaya, the chymopain, which dissolves the nucleus pulposus causing the discomfort.


Kiwi is high in vitamins C (20 times higher than in an orange), E, ​​B3, B6, B2, B1, K, high in fiber and low in cholesterol. It has anticancer effects, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Improves the immune system, increasing the defenses in the body. Minerals you have are phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iodine, calcium, iron, sodium. It is full of antioxidants that help fight with free radicals. They also have riboflavin, tianine, niacin. The kiwi retards the aging effect, prevents the development of tumor cells or prevents their growth. The vitamins of group B, beneficial to the nervous system as a soothing. Some allergies are controlled by consuming this fruit daily.

 The kiwi has miracle enzyme called actinidine, which helps dissolve proteins and digestion, and prevents a lot of diseases. Its glycemic level is so low, that it does not cause the sudden rise of sugar in the blood which is very convenient for diabetics. It is a very good source of folic acid for pregnant women. Its high content of lutein and zeaxatin help reduce the risk of suffering macular degeneration, a condition that affects the retina of the eye. Which are substances that are naturally found in the human eye.


Actinidin enzyme found in kiwi, is a proteolytic enzyme with similar activity of papain found in papaya. It represents half of the soluble protein content of the kiwi. It has few calories, lots of fiber, few carbohydrates.

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