Liudmila Gersten

Liudmila Gersten




Food is a substance that people consume for nutritional, social and psychological purposes.

At the nutritional level, we obtain all the necessary material for our body such as carbohydrate, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, among others, which allow cellular and growth and keep our physiological functions in good condition and our health in general.

At the social level, through food we can communicate, since it favors social connections and cultural exchanges.

On a psychological level, food is a source of satisfaction, since it encourages us, generates emotions such as pleasure, and fights stress.


We eat to live. Generally we eat when a family member prepares food, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner, but we also eat to share time with someone and enjoy their company or because we went through a place where they prepared food and our sense of smell tempted us to taste what smelled so good, or simply because we visited some friends who prepared something special and ¿who knows if we can taste those other treats?, there are many times when we decided to eat and the reasons for doing so, without However, this process that seems so simple has a chemical background.


We can`t know what our stomach thinks, however we can feel that sometimes it`s inflamed, our tummy protrudes or we have gas. In the medium term we aren`t longer happy with our appearance, suddenly our hair falls out, our nails are cracked, we begin to suffer from heartburn, we have kidney or liver stones or both at the same time, we suffer from allergies, eczema, etc., our body collapses completely but at first nothing hurts us, so we don`t take our body seriously and don`t worry about it. Few people, when we prepare food or eat it, we think how it`ll be assimilated by our body, almost no one rationalizes what benefits or damages can your body produce an omelet, a soup, a salad with meat, or a pizza, or ¿how will they nourish those foods our nerve cells, our brain, intestine, blood, hair or skin ?, and ¿how our intestinal microflora will face the task of discarding what`s unusable for our body and processing the important components such as vitamins and amino acids necessary to synthesize proteins?. This causes an infinity of ailments and diseases, which could be prevented with just a good diet.


¿How to ensure that our diet helps us maintain an excellent physical and mental health and that food isn`t eaten only by anxiety or the pleasure that causes us to eat our favorite food and the typical dishes of our family?,¿ How to make Eat healthy and delicious at the same time?

As we know, all the food we eat, first divided into the stomach into basic components (amino acids, simple sugars, etc.), from which the body creates everything it needs. It’s like a LEGO game in which you can create from several types of “bricks”, thousands of constructions. In the stomach, the enzymes “disarm” the food we have consumed in “bricks”, from which the muscles and bones are built.

Now imagine how someone (according to the advice of dieticians) puts the LEGO design in a hot oven. ¿What will happen to this LEGO? First there will be an odor, then the color will change, and in the end it`ll deform. As in traditional cooking, some “bricks” melt, others deform and others stick together. Dismantling the heat treated “LEGO” is more difficult and possibly for later use there will be few or no reusable pieces, the most unpleasant thing is that there will be many details destroyed, which isn`t clear how to repair. In the case of food the same thing happens, the body needs to separate the nutritional elements that we consume to build what it needs at that moment, but once we cook the food, it loses its shape, components, smell and sometimes even its flavor , and after this, ¿how can we reconstruct them? ¿do these foods do our body good?

There`s something called “biotrush“, which contaminates our body because it`s impossible to eliminate it easily because of its level of penetration in our organism. Most diseases are the result of this toxicity that affects our organs, which can put them to work at medium strength and can even leave them without functioning.

By feeding on live food, the supply of “biotrush” is suspended, and after a while the body begins to eliminate the deposits of this toxic that we had previously accumulated. This explains the supposedly “miraculous” cases of diseases that seemed incurable or deadly and that have greatly improved or disappeared altogether. There are many cases of people who have completely changed their state of health with good nutrition, these aren`t miracles, they`re simply cases in which the organism returns to its natural state when receiving the fuel it needs for its proper functioning.

If we do an experiment in which we sow two almonds, one raw and the other toast, then we`ll discover that the raw almond after 3 weeks will grow and, the toasted almond will rot. ¿Why is this happening? When the water nourishes the raw or live almond the life forces will be awakened and from it`ll grow a whole almond tree, which brings a hundred new almonds, all this happens because in the raw almond there aren`t almonds and in the almonds. Enzymes are molecules of a protein nature that catalyze chemical reactions and are of vital importance to us, just as they`re for almonds, since with their help we assimilate all the foods we eat.

For example, if we eat a handful of toasted almonds, that`s to say dead, we`ll receive very little nutrition due to the lack of enzymes, minerals and vitamins, because these were destroyed by the heat, on the contrary if we consume the raw almond, which is alive, we`ll receive all its nutrients, this effect increases if we activate it with water, that`s, if we put it to soak for 24 hours to awaken its forces and live enzymes. From these live almonds, we can prepare creams, sauces, cheeses, milk, yoghurts, etc., which will have a very high nutritional value for our body.

Our love for hot food plays a cruel joke, because when we heat it we eliminate these microscopic molecules (enzymes) that are so beneficial for our body and health.

THERE AREN`T LIVING ENZYMES in flour or flour products, nor in pasta, bread, biscuits, sweet rolls, refined sugar, cooked rice, boiled or fried potatoes, or in any hot and cooked dish, for very beautiful to see. It`s a painful blow to know this about the foods that we eat every day, but I am going to give you good news, since we have the opportunity to find enzymes in other food products. In the living food.

LIVE FOOD is composed of foods such as fresh and raw fruits and vegetables, which, unfortunately, consume so little in our daily diet. However, within living food, most enzymes are found in germinated seeds, in grain germs, in garlic, pineapple and papaya. It`s impossible to overeat enzymes. All we can eat are beneficial for our body and health, because they`re the ones who nourish our immunity and fight against infections and diseases as harmful as cancer.

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